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Plate Heat Exchanger Cleaning

Plate Heat Exchanger Cleaning 

       Although the plate heat exchanger has a good heat exchange effect.It will also have scale and impurities after a period time, which will blocked and reduce the heat exchange effect to the process demand.So please clean regularly to restore the original effect.

     There are 2 ways to clean the plate heat exchanger.

    A.Disassembly and cleaning steps

         This cleaning way can clean both two processes of the heat exchanger,and can clean up the impurities, scale and rust.

          1.Close the inlet and outlet valves of the heat exchanger. Regardless of the medium,please close the valve tightly.

          2.Measure and record the distance between each baffle.

         3.Disassemble the plate heat exchanger, empty the inner medium, disassemble in order, make a record, and do not damage the gaskets and plates. The specifications and models of each manufacturer are different, so attentions are different.

         4. During the cleaning process, the plates should be cleaned one by one, soaked and cleaned below the specified pressure under high pressure cleaning.

         5.After processing, put it back into baffle in the original order, paying attention to the front and back, and then tighten the clamping bolts firmly, but not too tight, otherwise the plates will be easily crushed.

         6. Open the outlet and inlet valve to see if there is any leakage. If no, the cleaning is complete.

    B.Cycle cleaning steps:

       If only need to clean the water side not the whole, the cleaning steps are almost the same.

       If it is used in the chemical industry,please close the inlet and outlet valves firstly, add the cleaning agent to the system through pipe pumps or tanks,and perform internal    circulation until the concentration of the cleaning agent no longer changes,then the impurities in the will be discharged.Please continuously add water to rinse for neutralization.

      If it is a passivation treatment, it is necessary to ensure that after the chemical descaling is completed.There will be no rust and other phenomena in the pipes. The amount of passivation cleaning solution needs to be determined according to the amount of water during cleaning.The PH cannot be too high, otherwise the effect will become poor, it will be discharged after six hours.

     Finally, restore the plate heat exchanger, open the inlet and exit valve to complete the cleaning.


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