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Diesel Generator Exhaust Noise

Diesel Generator Exhaust Noise

      The most effective way to control exhaust noise is to install a muffler.But noise reduction effect is not well. The main reasons are  the unreasonable structure and the problematic processing technology. The technology problem can be improved by improving the process.For the design idea of the muffler,mainly based on experience, and some design calculation are under ideal assumptions.

   Among these assumptions, the biggest impact is the ignoring of air flow regeneration noise,this air will impact the muffler’s pipes, shells, partitions and other components, and then stimulate vibration radiation noise. when the muffler structure parameters are not properly, or the structure is unreasonable, or there are problems in the processing technology, it will cause the performance of the muffler to decrease. At the same time, too high air velocity will increase the pressure loss of the muffler and cause the decrease of the muffler performance.


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