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Effective heat dissipation of diesel geneset

Effective heat dissipation of diesel geneset

Diesel geneset radiator is one of the indispensable and important parts of the geneset. Radiator dissipates the heat into the atmosphere during the operation of the geneset to reduce the temperature of the cooling water. The radiator must have enough heat dissipation area and be made of materials with good thermal conductivity .The cooling system carried by the generator itself can fully satisfy engine heat dissipation  in the normal condition. If the cooling system is abnormal, it is necessary to find out the reason for the excessive heat to better protect the diesel geneset.

In order to achieve the most effective heat dissipation:

1. If the generator power is large, it is recommended to install a cooling water tower.

2. Ensure the air flow in the generator room and install the ventilator.

3.Increasing the fans blowing the genrator will improve the generator cooling performance.

4.Check whether the generator itself is overheated.

5.Try to control the generator not to run overloaded.

6. Check whether the generator's own cooling system is normal, such as whether the cooling water is unblocked and whether the fin is unblocked.


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